The New Brunswick Medical Society regarding the New Brunswick Health Plan

On June 13, the Minister of Health announced a series of public consultations around the province to inform the creation of the next provincial health plan.

The New Brunswick Medical Society welcomes the opportunity to be part of this process. We will prepare a submission to add the voices of New Brunswick’s Doctors to this discussion. We have closely reviewed the last plan, will encourage our local physicians to attend these consultations, and will survey our membership on their priorities.

We encourage all physicians and health professionals to go to their local consultations. Most importantly, the people of New Brunswick are encouraged to attend. We know New Brunswickers are passionate about their health care system; they should be as engaged in the planning of the system as they are when they need it.

Our submission will be made public upon its completion, and will reinforce our desire for a consultative and collaborative approach with patients and partners in the system. We look forward to adding our voices to this plan.

Robert E. Rae MD FRCSC
New Brunswick Medical Society