Statement on proposed changes to exemptions from provincial immunization requirements

The New Brunswick Medical Society supports the provincial government’s proposed changes to the Education and Public Health Acts that would remove non-medical exemptions from the mandatory immunization requirements for public school and licensed early learning and child care admissions. Vaccines are safe and proven — they are the best protection against many serious diseases, such as measles.

Immunization against communicable diseases is important for everyone, including those that have medical exemptions preventing them from getting vaccinations. When large groups of people are vaccinated, they create herd immunity. Simply put, vaccination against diseases like measles helps protect everyone.

The NBMS believes this is a positive step forward to protect the health of all New Brunswickers. The NBMS also recognizes the need for continued education about the importance of vaccinations to address vaccine hesitancy.

Dr. Serge Melanson, CCFP-EM
President, New Brunswick Medical Society