Statement on New Brunswick Election

New Brunswick’s doctors congratulate the new provincial government under Premier-Elect Brian Gallant. The Liberal Party platform contained several elements suggested by the New Brunswick Medical Society and we look forward to building a strong relationship with a new Premier, Cabinet, and leadership team.

We would like to thank David Alward and two Cabinet Ministers, Ted Flemming and Dorothy Shephard, for their leadership over the past years. Their passion for their roles was evident, and their views were sincere.

The New Brunswick Medical Society is non-partisan and we respect the commitment of all leaders to public service. Our sincere thanks go to all parties for meeting with us to consider our suggestions during Election 2014. We would like to thank Dominic Cardy for advancing important health care debate as he makes his way to new frontiers. We also congratulate David Coon on his election in the riding of Fredericton South and look forward to further discussion with him.

Election night also proved one of our main points we raised during the election campaign – no one likes wait times.

We look forward to addressing the issues facing the health of New Brunswickers with the new provincial government.

Lynn Hansen, MC FRCPC
President of the NBMS