When determining the feasibility of hiring a nurse, it is important to examine the financial and patient-volume implications for your practice while recognizing what might be gained by having a nurse on the team. Careful evaluation of the potential added value, the expenses, and strategies to help reduce the financial impacts can support your decision to hire a nurse.
- Doctors Nova Scotia (2019). Primary Care Transformation A collaborative practice toolkit. accessed: Collaborative-Practice-Tool-Kit2019_0.pdf (doctorsns.com)
- College of Nurses of Ontario (2018). Practice Guideline: RN and RPN practice: The Client, the Nurse, and the Environment. Accessed: pdf (cno.org)
- Canadian Nurses Association. Website cna-aiic.ca – Primary care toolkit accessed: https://www.cna-aiic.ca/en/nursing-practice/tools-for-practice/primary-care-toolkit/benefits#sthash.LQcTI1Sw.dpuf
- WHO (2010). Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Retrieved: Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice (who.int)
- GPSC Handout Benefits of team-based care 201805 (ID 183148).pdf (gpscbc.ca)
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