Family Medicine New Brunswick

Family Medicine New Brunswick (FMNB) is a patient-centred model of primary care built on a foundation of teamwork and technology. FMNB was built to improve and enhance access to primary care for New Brunswickers while improving the work-life balance of physicians through collaborative practice. For physicians, the model is expected to:

  • provide a competitive compensation package more responsive to today’s patient needs;
  • improve work-life balance;
  • provide insight on how to optimize care delivery in your practice and build quality improvement.

Payment model

The payment model is only open to those physicians who sign up to meet the requirements of the program. When a new physician joins the program, a transitional payment period is offered to support physicians in their transition to the FMNB model. If at any point the model does not meet their needs, physicians can revert to the fee-for-service model, with some notice provided.

The model applies to most services provided in-office including:

  • capitation, which pays physicians a sum based on the age and gender of each patient rostered to them in their practice;
  • fee-for-service (reduced), which compensates physicians for each and every service they provide;
  • altered billing rules, which make it possible for the practice to bill for some email and phone inquiries and services provided by nurses;
  • an annual overhead support payment;
  • an annual stipend to help hire nursing staff;
  • access to an Allied Health Professional fund to offset the costs of purchasing specialized services from AHP;
  • a Nurse Practitioner fund for physicians who wish to add a Nurse Practitioner to the team;
  • an Extended Hours Premium to recognize physicians caring for their patients after standard business hours;
  • free access to the Electronic Medical Record monthly fee.

Practice requirements

Physicians may apply as a group or can join an existing group.

Groups make decisions which impact each individual physician, so physicians must be willing to collaborate with all members of a group.

Groups do not need to be co-located, though co-location over time is highly recommended. Physicians must collaborate with each other to provide better access to care for the group’s patients.

Physicians are expected to support each other through vacations, illnesses, or time spent in clinical care outside their practice to ensure patients have access to the care they need.

Groups must provide in-patient care according to arrangements already in place with the regional health authorities. There may be some flexibility on how that care is delivered, and it can be discussed with the FMNB team and the health authority.

Physicians are welcome to maintain existing commitments in emergency departments, nursing homes, patient homes, etc. Existing payment arrangements will not be changed.

Support from the FMNB Team

The FMNB team supports FMNB-affiliated physicians by:

  • creating a website for your practice;
  • feeding data about clinical and access performance metrics to physicians for their use;
  • providing advice and assistance with recruitment and workforce planning;
  • advising on best business practices to maximize practice efficiency;
  • provide access to learning labs and mini programs.

For more information, contact us at